By: Belle Kelly The hot plate is a revolutionary discovery made by Samford students in past years. Located on the Quad in front of Buchanan Hall, the metal plate, measuring 6 feet 2 inches on each side, rests on the ground amongst the grass. Students pass...
Read moreThe busyness of the Samford life seems to never slow down for the average student. For an athlete, busyness is...
Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson and now Annie Ramil are a few basketball players who came out of their retirement to...
Samford’s men’s basketball team has been on a historic run over the past few seasons that has captured the hearts...
By: Belle Kelly The hot plate is a revolutionary discovery made by Samford students in past years. Located on the...
Read moreEDITOR'S NOTE: In the spirit of transparency, Abbey Duke is a staff writer for The Crimson. Without her particular position...
Read moreNearly five years ago, professors Alisa McCool and Mark Castle created a proposal for a dance major. This year, the...
Read moreI live in the furthest southwest and most forgotten corner of Samford’s campus: the student apartments. I love it there...
Read moreI live in the furthest southwest and most forgotten corner of Samford’s campus: the...