The Ida V. Moffett School of Nursing’s White Coat Ceremony was on Sept. 17, marking the nursing students’ start of clinicals. The Brock School of Business’s Rite of Passage Ceremony was Sept. 14, marking the students’ official entrance into the business school.

“The white coat ceremony represented our ability to start spreading compassion to the patients in the hospital. This allows us to share the love of Christ to the patients and put all the information we have been learning to action.”
– Kristen West, junior nursing major

“By gaining my white coat as a nursing student, I am entering the hospital and beginning to care for patients.This is a grave responsibility and one that I am grateful to have. I can’t wait to see where this career takes me and receiving my white coat is one of the first steps in my journey as a nurse.”
– Alyssa Martinez, junior nursing major

“It was an honor to be a part of the business school Rite of Passage. The past two years at Samford have flown by and it was so special for the business school to recognize our hard work halfway through undergrad.”
– Savannah Fernandez, junior accounting major