- What are you most excited to accomplish through your role as SGA president this year?
“SGA is here to serve students. My sincere desire is that at the end of my term, students feel like SGA is an organization that they can go to with concerns and suggestions and know that we’re here to advocate on their behalf.”
- What are the biggest challenges you think you’ll face this year?
“There’ve been some changes in student affairs, and with that some restructuring. We also have a very young student executive board, so we’re really just looking at ways to balance innovation and tradition. There’s times in which things are the way that they have been because they work, and then there’s times when we can look at things, examine, and see how we can make [them] better.”
- How do you feel about the new freshmen class and what do you think they’ll add to the student body?
“I had the distinct honor to attend orientation this summer and meet a lot of the freshmen that are here on campus. One of the things that I told them over and over again is to bring [the excitement they have] with them when they get on campus. They’re so eager to get involved and make connections. They’re excited, they’re ready to pour into the community; we’re just here to encourage them and let them know that there is a place for them here on campus and that they can find their community.”
- What is it like to have class presidents under you?
“It really boils down to being accessible and having conversations. I’m one individual, and often, I will seek counsel from class presidents [and] other student executive board members to get their perspective on things and make a decision from there.”
- How do you expect this year to be different or better than last year?
“I want students to see what we’re doing, rather than to hear about the things that we’re doing. I think a lot of times, people can get into a culture of talking about things that they want to see change and things that could be better, and what we’re hoping to accomplish as the student executive board is to put action behind those things, and look at ways to move from the talking and planning stage to execution. Also, really just creating relationships with different groups on campus to let them know that [they] can come and talk about the things that are concerning [them].”
- What did you accomplish last year that you are most proud of or excited about?
“We were able to pass a revised constitution and I was very instrumental in trying to get some of my fellow senators to agree on passing those constitutional changes. Also, we’ve elevated the class council in relation to the things that they do with our class officers and really making sure that they are aware that they are just as important as any other SGA officer.
- Do you have any input on the silent protest that was held on campus?
“My responsibility is to the students on this campus, [and] I was elected to represent and serve students on campus. In leadership, sometimes you have to balance the information that you receive and weigh it out, pray, and discern some things. I would just say that students are my primary focus, so I will always advocate and represent students.”
