By Ashley Armstrong
The weekend of Friday, September 23, families flocked to campus to celebrate Samford’s annual family weekend. First, they gathered on Ben Brown Plaza to kickoff the weekend by attending the study abroad fair. The fair had many destinations represented, such as Israel, Greece and of course the Daniel House in London.
The fair was followed by a sibling tour and open campus where students were able to show families their classrooms and favorite study spots, along with another favorite Bulldog event, “Pops with the Prez.” President Beck Taylor and his wife Julie met with families in Brewer Plaza to take photos and talk about their experiences at Samford University.
That Saturday, families filled the quad with a variety of tailgates. Numerous on-campus organizations were represented, such as the Brock School of Business, Student Government Association and Greek Life, along with tents representing every home state. The student ensemble Lakeshore performed 3 original songs, “Last Night” by Taylor Wilson, “Faded Love” by Rebekah Willard and Katherine Williams, and “Hurt Someone Else” by Jacob Hery, Jake Davenport and Taylor Wilson.
Jacob Hery, a Junior Commercial Music major and vocalist in the Lakeshore ensemble, said “Family Weekend gives us the opportunity to perform for thousands of people. Performing for our family and friends is a great experience, and unlike any other.”
Wandering around the quad, you could find Samford’s bulldog mascot taking pictures with students and families.
The marching band paraded the football team down to the field while friends and families cheered the Bulldogs to victory. The Samford Bulldogs’ victory over the Western Carolina Catamounts created a great atmosphere full of school spirit for this year’s family weekend.
During halftime, the Samford Parents’ Association presented Samford with a check for $25 thousand to cap off the weekend’s festivities.