Breck Brigham, Contributing Writer

Samford University’s Office of Accessibility and Accommodations recently teamed up with DREAM, an on campus organization focused on helping students with the needs the office focuses on, to have an event about how to have an event to create accessible student events. As of now, Samford’s campus is not the best place for students with needs like these, but it does the best it can with the old buildings it has.
DREAM, which stands for disability rights, education, activism and mentoring is the organization on campus that helps bring awareness about the students who need accommodations or accessibility, whether it is physical or cognitive disability. The Office of Accommodations and Accessibility, which used to be known as Disability Resources until this year, partners with students and gets them what they need on campus whether it is help for classes or easier access to buildings on campus that are hard to get to under non-normal ways. These two groups have started to partner more this year for events and it has helped the both of them.
The event the two had recently brought in a decent crowd and taught them great ways to allow for accessibility to events on campus. It consisted of a panel of parts of the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility, a few students who need accessibility or accommodations and the president of DREAM. The president of DREAM, Levi Thomas actually sat on the panel for two reasons, since on top of representing DREAM on the panel, he also represented students with disabilities.