Last weekend, sorority Alpha Delta Pi won Sweepstakes at Samford’s 2024 Step Sing program, a feat that couldn’t have been accomplished without the hard work and creativity of their three directors. This week, the Crimson was able to speak with one of them: Riley Lehman, a senior nursing major.
Crimson: When did you know you wanted to direct ADPI’s 2024 Step Sing show?
Lehman: “Once I made the decision to go to Samford, I made a goal to direct a Step Sing show! I am from Birmingham, so I had the opportunity to come watch Step Sing while I was in high school and I knew it was something I wanted to get involved in. Things fell into place last spring when deciding who this year’s directors would be and I am so thankful they did and that I had the chance to be a Step Sing director for 2024.”
Crimson: What was it like preparing for Step Sing last fall?
Lehman: “Preparing for this year’s show last fall was honestly so much fun. I remember coming together with Liz and Bella for the very first time and just talking about all of our goals and ideas for this years show. Liz, Bella, and I clicked so fast and had the best time bouncing ideas off of each other.”
Crimson: What do you enjoy most about January’s week of Step Sing practices?
Lehman: “This year’s practices flew by! I had the best time having the opportunity to be surrounded by 79 girls who were so excited to sing and dance and just be silly! We started each practice with the same verse to get our minds set and to remember who we are really doing this for! We then would head to the tarp and do our character walks to fun songs to get us started with our practices.”
Crimson: If you could, what would you tell prospective participants for next year’s show?
Lehman: “I would tell prospective participants to definitely get involved with a show! I am a nursing major so I was really nervous about being able to juggle both school and the show, but made sure that I was not procrastinating and stayed on top of my work once practice started. In addition, cherish every memory you make during Step Sing! There will not be another time in your life where you are able to do this, so really take time to take everything in!”

Staff Writer