From 7 to 10 p.m. on Friday nights, in the basement of Reid Chapel, a community of likeminded individuals gets together to bond over their love of games.
The Community of Samford Gamers is a group of Samford students who all love video games, board games, card games, etc. But the Community of Samford Gamers is more than just a board game group and video game players- they are also e-sports competitors.
“E-sports was originally a subsect of CSG,” Mac Allen, the president of the Community of Samford Gamers, said. “Previously, we had our own Smash (Super Smash Brothers) team and other competitive teams in Valorant and Rocketleague.”
With the creation of Samford’s new e-sports team, CSG is looking to combine efforts.
“A lot of them (the previous players) are planning to try out for them (the E-sports team),” Allen said.
Samford’s new e-sports team is accompanied by a state-of-the-art e-sports lounge, located in Siebert Hall, open to all Samford students.
Fitted with gaming workstations, consoles, and comfortable custom gaming chairs, students can access it 7 days a week and play for up to 12 hours a week.
Tressie Nuñez, the Vice President of CSG, said, “We (CSG) can’t wait for all the potential that the new space brings!”
CSG hopes they can partner with Michael French, the new esports coach, and team in a meaningful way to unite the e-sports community at Samford. Tryouts for the e-sports team begin in late November to early December, the team starting competitions in the spring!

Staff Writer