Moriah Mason / Staff Writer
The Samford Theatre Department is rehearsing for the musical “Ella En- chanted,” set to debut on Oct. 4.
On Oct. 4-5, the show will start at 7:30 p.m. and will take place in Harri- son Theatre and will start at 2:30 p.m. on Oct. 6. Adult tickets are $20, stu- dent tickets are $10, and children 10 and under are $5.
According to the premise of the show, Ella has been given the ‘gift’ of obedience, placing her under a spell that forces her to do as everyone com- mands her.
In an effort to break this spell, she embarks on a journey, and along the way meets Prince Char.
Garrett Coppock, who plays Prince Char, revealed the connection be- tween Ella and Char and how he ulti- mately helps her.
“He is the one person that has not asked something of her, because most of the people in her life are telling her to do things.” Coppock said, “But this leads into one of the biggest themes, which is friendship, which is having someone who doesn’t ask anything of you, who’s there to just live life with you.”
Besides the theme of friendship, there is also a theme of independence, which according to Coppock is figur- ing out who you are and taking your life back from others who may have taken it from you.
While playing the role of Prince Char is of great importance to Coppo- ck, he also discussed why he decided to pursue a theatre major.
“Originally, I was going to do biolo- gy, and it wasn’t until I started doing theatre that I realized that I really en- joyed it and loved it,” Coppock said. “I wanted to look for something that would bring joy in my life and not set- tle for a job that just made money.”
After realizing that he was called to be in the world of theatre, Coppo- ck decided that Samford would allow him to improve his theatrical skills and spiritual life.
“Samford is the perfect place for me to grow as an artist but also grow as a Christian,” Coppock said. “It is also the perfect opportunity because Sam- ford has a really good musical theatre program and I really enjoy it here.”
Coppock also explained that this musical is for all ages.
“It’s not necessarily made for kids, but for the ‘inner child’ in all of us,” Coppock said.