On the eve of the fifteenth of November, hooded brothers descended upon the campus of Samford University under cover of darkness. In their hands, they brandished a stack of crisp letters inked with a cryptic announcement. Through the hallowed halls they flew, posting their missives for students to discover.
After their nocturnal duties had transpired, they retreated into the shadows from whence they came, turning to the realm of social media to declare their deeds to the world.
“Sons once gone now back,” the Sons of Light announced on Instagram. “Poems out there quickly act. Be vigilant friends.”
When the dawn’s light broke over the horizon, students awoke to the sweet promise of a mystery. Stumbling out of their beds with haste, these scavenger hunters dashed to their favorite academic buildings, raced through corridors and around corners, scanning, searching for the Sons of Light’s signature seal. Wait, there! Coming to halt with trembling hands, they pulled the poems down from their posts, and read with baited breath.
Biblical allusions and ancient turns of phrase tumbled off the page as their minds sifted through the riddle. As the students mumbled through the stanzas, the last verses hung in the air like a fog.
“Nothing spins or spirals on the dizzied/ Earth, even You-yes, you- and the Sun too, without/ Our knowledge. Indeed, no word or deed, nor/ Declamation of death, even whisper of inexistence, goes/ Unnoticed. So, go, flee, turn towards all and any/ And tell of what will forever be,” the poem read.
With the furrow of quizzical brows, the students took their souvenirs in hand and tried to proceed with their lives, pretending that the insatiable itch of an unsolved puzzle wasn’t scratching at their subconscious. For now, they wait, at the whim of the brothers, to have the answers revealed. It could be tonight, tomorrow, or a year from now. No one knows, for only the Sons will decide when to step into the light.