There is a stigma in today’s world surrounding the debate of who should ask who out.
Some are of the opinion that girls should ask the guy out, while others have the more traditional mindset that the guy should ask out the girl.
In a world slowly drifting away from many traditional dating values, I believe that men should still ask out the ladies.
It was traditionally the job of a man to ask out the woman as it showed respect for her.
Many argue that asking someone out requires a lot of confidence and many deal with a fear of rejection, but for girls there is the fear that they will be rejected for simply being too bold.
At a school with such a skewed gender ratio, the girls also have less of a chance of finding a guy who is not already taken.
Mattie Brookshire and Arianna Gandolfo, sophomores, believe that if a man is seeking a romantic relationship with a girl, then he must make his intentions clear and be straightforward.
“Friendship, it’s pretty mutual, like girls and guys can approach each other. But relationships, it needs to be a guy, because it’s like, he’s supposed to lead the relationship and if he doesn’t start the relationship by leading it, that’s just, no, thank you,” said Gandolfo.
Both girls discussed how they believed that the men should lead in a relationship.
“If he doesn’t actively seek you out in a relationship to pursue you, how are you supposed to hold him to be accountable to lead you in a spiritual or romantical way?” Brookshire said.
Other people are not of the same opinion. Freshman, Walker Kesler, talked about how he believed that women should be the one to approach the men.
Kesler said, “I feel like guys are less comfortable being single than girls. I just think that’s something I’ve noticed.”
He also said that he thinks that girls have a better chance of getting a yes, yet he also said that he realized that was an overgeneralization.
Dating should be whatever each person feels comfortable with. So, if the guys want to approach the girl he can, but if the girl wants to approach the guy she can.
The idea of women approaching men comes from embracing a culture of radical feminism.
Brookshire talks about how men and women are meant to benefit each other. She said that culture has a view that women can do anything but “that doesn’t mean that we should.”
Traditional ideas of dating, such as men approaching women, are what allow men to start off their relationships as gentlemen and lead the woman in the way that he is supposed to.