I live in the furthest southwest and most forgotten corner of Samford’s campus: the student apartments. I love it there and have been living there for three years, but life is definitely not perfect over there.
Though parking is a hot topic at Samford, the student apartments’ parking lot has always been a constant – a constant source of fear for anyone who drives a sedan. Often, I hear bumpers scraping against the curb that transitions you from the paved parking lot to the gravel lot.
As a senior at Samford, I watch my friends who haven’t gotten enough convocation credits scramble and complain about the Tuesday campus worship but then spend their Saturday mornings sleeping in until noon. In my mind, I know there must be a solution for all these issues.
With a campus full of construction and students who are in a desperate need of convo credits but just don’t like the middle of week convo and cadre options, I propose we employ those snoozing Saturday seniors into manual labor paid through convo credits.
Before you blow a blood vessel in rage saying, “The whole purpose of convo credits is to grow students walks with God,” I’ve already worked that out.
We just need to have our strong campus pastor Bobby Gatlin lead the charge of student construction. I mean, he already looks like the type of guy who knows how to handle a John Deere 350G LC.
He can teach students religious lessons while leveling and rebuilding central campus to improve the speed of campus construction.
Imagine if we could’ve gotten a new parking deck a couple years ago instead of next fall. Imagine if you had forgotten to get convo credits, you could knock them out in just a couple weekends. We could have all been living in luxury this whole time.
