With Student Government Association (SGA) elections approaching, the sad reality that James Jefferson will not be our president because he is graduating is becoming more and more real.
Along the horizon I can see dark days coming. Student Government elections loom, marking the day of a Samford that won’t be led by James Jefferson. Our three-time elected strong and intelligent president is leaving us. I don’t know how I will go on without his leadership… thank God I am also graduating.
For those who are not, I know that it will practically be impossible for Samford to exist without him. I don’t know what the right solution is for this frustrating situation, but I do have a few solutions to offer to the general Samford public. Any of these solutions should work.
I think the first and most obvious solution is to give President Beck Taylor’s job to Jefferson. Obviously, Jefferson is fit for leadership in this position, but I don’t know if Taylor will give up his power easily. This may require a student militia which seems like a lot of work and violent. Violence is bad.
The second solution I have is to get rid of SGA all together. No one will ever be like our glorious president James Jefferson. We should retire the organization all together like it is Dwayne Wade’s Miami Heat jersey. Let anarchy reign supreme… we all know that SGA doesn’t do anything without Jefferson anyway.
The third solution, which in America may be an unpopular solution, is to make Jefferson a monarch. Just make him King of SGA. When he passes, his bloodline can take over. I think this is a viable solution but would be potentially restrictive to Jefferson’s glory.
The last solution I have to offer is to clone James Jefferson. This is the best solution but does present the conflict of where science is. But with the brilliant minds of Samford’s Health Sciences teams, I believe we can figure this out soon.
Regardless, I think we should all start putting all of these solutions in motion to make sure we can keep James Jefferson in power.

James has been such an incredible SGA President, an amazing VP for senate before that, and Freshman class president prior to that! While Samford cannot be led by him a third time as our SGA president, he will certainly be missed.